Hostel Kypseli

Offer for 2 people night
1 night and Rafting in Arachthos – 160€
2 nights and Rafting in Arachthos – 230€

Offer for 4 people
1 night and Rafting in Arachthos 290€

Anavasi Mountain Resort

A) for 2 people: 2 nights (breakfast included) and 1 Rafting in Arachthos trip 270€
A) for 3 people: 2 nights (breakfast included) and 1 Rafting in Arachthos trip- 350€
Including free access to the sauna and swimming pool.

Rodami Hostel

For 4 people: 1 night and 1 Rafting in Arachthos trip 300€

Hotel Princces Lanassa

For 2 people: 1 nights and 1 Rafting in Arachthos trip 170€